It is at the end of a small street, in Paris XV, that stands one of the last craftsman fabric dyer in Paris : l’Atelier Daniel Perrochon.
The place hardly changed since its creation about one century ago. The time seems to have stopped by here, but you can feel the prestigious heritage which made this place considered as the top luxury fabric dyer « house » in Paris.
From the time of his founder Monsieur Louche, to its successors Messieurs Perrochon & sons’ one, MD Teinture kept the same passion and the « house » did not lose its authenticity. The place is quiet; it can hardly be seen from the street. The atmosphere is quite, miles away from the Haute Couture’s noisy one. The only common point? The sudden thrilling mood which gains the workshop, when collection time is arriving.
Concentration, precision, lot of work and testing are the master words for the craftsmen in order to match up with all the fashion house designers’ ideas. At MD Teinture, values remain the same and the air is filled with this spirit of excellence that made the place famous.
Monsieur Daniel Perrochon, master dyer, has shared for 40 years, all his know- how secrets and trained his craftsmen team himself. Everyone in the workshop shares the same gift & passion for the dyeing work, and enjoys daily practice, creating colors & innovating every single day.
Thanks to its quality commitment, MD Teinture is the privileged partner of the most famous fashion houses in Paris.